sobota, 2 listopada 2019

003 Houseplants

When I was a child, our home was full of houseplants. To be honest, I didn’t like them much. Although my mum took a lot of care of her plants, they were always losing their leaves or getting them yellow. I remember the moment when I said that I would never have any plants at my home. But many years later I understood how I was wrong.

My first plant was dracaena bought in Ikea a few years ago when I had moved from my parents to start my studies. Some time later I had to admit that my bookshelf and windowsill were so empty! That was why I got more plants – two cactus plants, a succulent and a strange-looking plant that, unfortunately, died two months later.

I couldn’t allow myself to buy more plants – if you share a room with another person, you know that there isn’t much space. Fortunately, all my plants were perfect for a beginner because they didn’t require a lot of attention. I forgot about plants until I saw Her on Instagram. Her Majesty Monstera Deliciosa. And since then, it was just a matter of time; in September I moved to a bigger flat and now my friends call me Crazy Plant Lady. Well, now I have only 13 plants in my room but every month my collection gets bigger and bigger.

I love my plants: their variety, shapes, all the shades of green… I wouldn’t lie if I said that they are my huge passion. I spend a lot of time on reading about plant species, plant pests… I even have my Plant Wishlist. Unfortunately, there is one obstacle to change my room into a jungle – my fiancée (I hope he won’t read this post!).

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