niedziela, 26 stycznia 2020

011 Variegated plants

If plants are your passion, you might know what is monstera variegata plant. Instagram got crazy about it – there are hundreds of photos with monstera leaves that are all white or partially white. It is a natural phenomenon, something like albinism for people. Variegation phenomenon can be caused by a virus infection or by genetics. Plants that are affected by this “albinism” need more sun and they are more moody than normal green ones.

Variegated monstera plants are quite rare and that is why its’ cost is really high. Not everybody can afford to buy it – for example in Poland, the cost of a little monstera variegata cutting is about 350 PLN!

Fortunately, the variegation phenomenon doesn’t belong only to monstera plants. There are many others species that can have their leaves partially white. Today I would love to share with you some photos of the most beautiful variegated plants.

 Philodendron Cobra

 Philodendron Gigganteum

 Philodendron Birkin          

 Ficus Elastica Variegata

 Epipremnum Happy Leaf

What is your favorite one?

010 What’s in my purse? My 5 everyday essentials

I can’t imagine to go out without a purse. For me, it is like a pair of shoes – who goes out without shoes? It doesn’t matter if it’s just a quick shopping in a grocery or if it’s a long day at the university, my purse is always with me. Of course, depending on the situation, its contents changes. But there always 10 things that I always have in my purse and they are my everyday essentials.

My sight defect isn’t very serious and I don’t wear glasses every day. However, there are many situations when my glasses are very helpful, especially during straining-eyes activities: driving a car, working at the computer.

Bottle of water
It isn’t anything special. I try to drink about 2 liters per day, so I always bring a bottle of water with me. In my opinion water can’t be replaced by an another liquid like tea or juice, so 2 liters per day are my minimum. Unfortunately, I’ve been using one-use bottles for about two weeks because my filter bottle is broken down. It’s time to buy a new filter one!

Cotton bag
Carrying groceries in plastic bags is a shame in XXI century. They are so inelegant and wasteful. That is why I try to be always prepared for a shopping and I have a cotton bag in my purse. To be honest, being less-waste isn’t a piece of cake for me but I’m doing my best!

I love walking and listening to the music. Sometimes I get off the tramway earlier, just to walk home and listen to music. It’s so relaxing after a long day at university or at work.

Hand cream and lip moisturizer
It’s just better to avoid the situations when the skin is overdried. I feel more comfortable when I have my cosmetics with me.

sobota, 25 stycznia 2020

009 Plant friendly places in Poznan

I’ve been living in Poznan since September. I loved the city at the first sight and today I would like to share with you some places that are perfect for all crazy plant ladies and crazy plant guys. If you are into plants or you just want to take some hipster-looking Instagram photos, you won’t be disappointed!

Must-see in Poznań for everybody who visits the city. An enormous botanical garden with a plenty of plants. The garden is divided into smaller sections that are dedicated to certain climatic zones. You can meet there tropical plants, aquatic plants, succulents and cactuses… Minimum two hours of amazing walk in a real jungle!

This is the place where I spent a half of my salary! That florist’s isn’t like others – you won’t find there cut flowers. This shop is dedicated to pot plants, so if you are fancy to change your room into a jungle, it is a perfect place for you. What’s more, the staff is very friendly and they are always ready to solve your plant troubles and give you clever advices.

If you want to hang out with your friends and drink a cup of coffee, I recommend that place! It isn’t only one of the best cafés in Poznań but also a florist’s. Aromatic coffee, tasty cakes (there are vegan options, too!) and beautiful interior design, where plants are the major part.

008 How to buy a plant and not to go crazy

Go to the nearest florist’s, choose a plant that you like the most and pay for it. Done.

No, no, no! Buying a plant isn’t a piece of cake. Of course, there are many possibilities to get a nice plant – they are sold almost everywhere, even in supermarkets. And there’s nothing bad at it – for example, I got my favorite monstera plant in a discount shop. But you should know that buying a plant has always a high risk, especially when you’ve already owned more plants. That is why I would love to share with you some advices how to avoid unpleasant situations with houseplants.

Looking over 
You went to the shop and you saw the plant that you would like to buy. First of all, look it over carefully. Check if there aren’t any insects on or under the leaves. Be careful, the plant pests are very small! The second thing that you should examine is plant fungus. Very often it looks like discolored stains on the leaves. Of course, not all stains are fungus – sometimes they are just burn spots. It is very important to look over a plant because all the diseases can infect other plants that you own. If everything seems to be fine, you can buy the plant.

After buying the plant, you must transplant it. Very often the shops don’t take care about the quality of the soil, they overwater the plants… The second thing are the pests. If you can’t see them on the leaves, it doesn’t mean that the plant is healthy – they can be hidden in the soil. 

After transplanting the plant, you can enjoy your new plant!

niedziela, 19 stycznia 2020

007 Where to eat in Wrocław?

Today I would love to share with you my favorite restaurants in Wrocław, the city where I’ve lived for almost 3 years. You might know that I’m a vegetarian but don’t worry – on my list there is also one classic restaurant with many options with meat. Let’s get started!

1.       Mango Mama:
In my opinion, this is the best restaurant ever. I love all about that place: from its pretty exotic name, climatic interior design to delicious aromatic dishes. You can try the real India’s taste thanks to Hindu cooks. What’s more, the kitchen is opened, so you can observe how your meal is prepared. Just one advice: spicy dishes are REALLY spicy. 😊 I have been there many times and I am always amazed by the taste of the food there. You can try there anything, every dish is fine-tuned and just perfect. Must-eat there? Coleslaw salad with mango.

2.       Warzywniak:
This is 100% vegan restaurant nearby Technical University. The menu is seasonal and it changes every day. The prices are very affordable, so if you are a person who would like to eat delicious dinner that wouldn’t ruin your wallet, it is a perfect place for you! Everything there tastes like polish home-cooked meals, so you can try their vegan versions of pork-chops, meatballs, beer stew… I got hungry!

3.       Panda Ramen:
If you are on Wrocław’s main square, you must visit Panda Ramen. It’s just 5 minutes away on foot. The restaurant is always full, so you must be patient and wait for your table, but believe me, it is worthy! There is nothing better than warm aromatic ramen. What’s more, you can personalize your dish and upgrade your ramen by adding some extras.

022 Why I sometimes feel like an old lady

We often associate seniors with specific activities and old-fashioned hobbies, like collecting stamps. Sometimes my friends joke that I wa...