niedziela, 26 stycznia 2020

010 What’s in my purse? My 5 everyday essentials

I can’t imagine to go out without a purse. For me, it is like a pair of shoes – who goes out without shoes? It doesn’t matter if it’s just a quick shopping in a grocery or if it’s a long day at the university, my purse is always with me. Of course, depending on the situation, its contents changes. But there always 10 things that I always have in my purse and they are my everyday essentials.

My sight defect isn’t very serious and I don’t wear glasses every day. However, there are many situations when my glasses are very helpful, especially during straining-eyes activities: driving a car, working at the computer.

Bottle of water
It isn’t anything special. I try to drink about 2 liters per day, so I always bring a bottle of water with me. In my opinion water can’t be replaced by an another liquid like tea or juice, so 2 liters per day are my minimum. Unfortunately, I’ve been using one-use bottles for about two weeks because my filter bottle is broken down. It’s time to buy a new filter one!

Cotton bag
Carrying groceries in plastic bags is a shame in XXI century. They are so inelegant and wasteful. That is why I try to be always prepared for a shopping and I have a cotton bag in my purse. To be honest, being less-waste isn’t a piece of cake for me but I’m doing my best!

I love walking and listening to the music. Sometimes I get off the tramway earlier, just to walk home and listen to music. It’s so relaxing after a long day at university or at work.

Hand cream and lip moisturizer
It’s just better to avoid the situations when the skin is overdried. I feel more comfortable when I have my cosmetics with me.

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