poniedziałek, 4 maja 2020

016 Astrophotography

When we think about photography, we often imagine portrait or landscape images. But have you ever heard of the astrophotography? This field of photography is associated with the night sky and stars. If you think the astrophotography images are completely black with some white points-stars, you are completely wrong! Not everybody is able to practice this type of photography; a special equipment is needed – not only a stable tripod but also some fast lenses and a professional camera. What is more, it is impossible to take photos of stars everywhere because of the light pollution. This phenomenon disenables the observation of stars and planets around cities and towns. But if you have a professional equipment, a car, some knowledge and free time at night, you are able to practice the astrophotography. However, we don’t have to fulfil those conditions to admire photographs of night sky.

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