poniedziałek, 25 maja 2020

018 3 creative things that I've managed to do during the quarantine

If you have an Instagram or Facebook account, you may have seen the quarantine bingo images. In the times of COVID-19, our daily habits have to face the tests and the trials. Is there anyone who hasn’t binge watched or spent a whole day in pajamas? Today, I would like to present you 3 pretty creative things that I’ve managed to do during the quarantine.

1.       I made pierogi

After many online meetings we must face boredom at home. How many days in a row can we watch Netflix series? To break the routine, I decided to make homemade pierogi. I had never prepared that dish before, so I was very surprised how tasty it was!

2.       I observed the night sky

When you don’t have to wake up early the next day, you can grab your car keys and go to watch stars. Because of the light pollution, it is impossible to observe the night sky in the proximity of cities, so you need to drive about 20-50 kilometers away from a city. You can plan your trip by using a weather forecast and this tool https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/

An amazing view with many constellations guaranteed!

3.       I read the whole fantasy saga

If you have ever wandered nearby fantasy literature shelves in a bookstore, you know an average size of a fantasy book – they are often very thick. During the quarantine, I’ve managed to read not one, but four volumes and now I have a book hangover. If you are a fantasy literature fan, I highly recommend you to read the Stormlight Archive written by Brandon Sanderson.

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